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What are the benefits of swimming?

by Team Techvilly
Lifeguard class

There is no doubt that sport is health. Performing physical activities on a regular basis and having a balanced diet are the pillars of a healthy life. They reduce the risk of diseases and feed emotional health.

Don’t think about it any more: you should exercise regularly . Especially now.

At a time like the present, marked by long months of pandemic, regularly practicing some sport is a great therapy to combat stress and anxiety.

And in this field of sports practice, swimming with lifeguard class is one of the most resistant activities, because it forces you to constantly move to stay afloat and move forward. So if you last an hour of lengths in the pool, you can last anything.

Few exercises are as complete and fun as swimming. It not only combines physical and mental development, but also adapts to different fitness levels and ages.

In addition, swimming is an essential learning for children, because it contributes to the development of their independence and self-confidence. And it is a very useful life tool in case of need.

If you are still not completely convinced by these benefits of swimming , here we share the main benefits of this activity:

Boost mental and emotional health

The oxygen you use to swim activates your brain and releases toxins. What’s more, by concentrating on your breath, your body relaxes and feelings of stress are reduced. That shot of endorphins, the pleasure hormone, also lowers your anxiety levels and improves your mood. In short, it increases your feeling of well-being.

It is a complete exercise

Swimming uses two-thirds of the muscles in the body, boosting strength and endurance. In addition, it wears out the joints less than other sports practices, because the body, being floating, does not receive the impact of hard surfaces. If you practice front crawl or backstroke, you fundamentally tone biceps, triceps, deltoids, glutes, intercostals, abdominals and pectorals. If you opt for the breaststroke or butterfly swim, then you work more on the pectorals, delts, biceps of the upper body and quads and hamstrings of the lower body.

Improves the respiratory and cardiovascular system

When swimming, you consume up to 10% more oxygen and your heart pumps blood up to 18% more. This means enjoying a better blood circulation, since it decreases the heart rate and you gain an increase in cardiorespiratory resistance. Believe me: your lungs and your heart will thank you.

It is a proven fat burner

In optimal conditions, and depending on the intensity at which it is practiced, swimming can burn between 500 and 600 calories per hour of practice. If you are looking to lose weight, add this exercise to your routine.

Increase flexibility

Swimming uses your upper and lower body. This makes the joints more flexible and tones the muscles , especially those of the back. Therefore, it is a highly recommended exercise if you suffer from poor posture, back pain, scoliosis or hernia problems. It is also indicated for patients with asthma.

Key to children’s development

It is important to start children early in the world of swimming so that they lose their fear of water and are safer. With this knowledge, they will know how to function and will have no problems in two very popular places in our country: the sea and the pool.

Aerobic exercise suitable for everyone

Swimming has no age barriers. One of its advantages is that it is an ideal activity for population groups with certain conditions, such as the elderly, babies and pregnant women. The important thing is to choose the practice that best suits us, according to medical criteria.

Beyond swimming

You have to choose the style that best suits what you need, such as front crawl, breaststroke, backstroke or butterfly, and you can also integrate sessions that go beyond swimming so you don’t get bored. In recent years, for example, aquagym or aquabiking (spinning in the water) have gained relevance and preference in swimming pools: both are fun aerobic exercise modalities that you can combine in your routine.

Boost your health by incorporating swimming as part of your exercise routine. You will receive all these benefits and, by the way, you will refresh yourself.

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