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Six Sigma Master Black Belt 

by Team Techvilly

The professional with a Six Sigma Master Black Belt is responsible for selecting the projects and identifying the optimization problems with the other leaders of the company’s projects. In addition, he is responsible for implementing the Lean Six Sigma methodology in the work team, sometimes even changing the company culture.

The Lean Six Sigma methodology is applied to production processes in order to continuously improve their operation, optimizing each phase and eliminating the parts or activities that do not add value to the final result. These techniques represent considerable savings in terms of costs and time, increasing the effectiveness and productivity of the entire team.

Six sigma master black belt: functions

Master Black Belts are experts responsible for the strategic deployment of the Six Sigma methodology within an organization. Its main task is to promote and support improvement activities in all commercial areas of your company, as well as suppliers and customers, thus involving all project stakeholders.

His responsibilities include:

  • Mentor and support the teams of the other project leaders, such as the Green and Black Belts.
  • Help implement metrics and dashboards of the company, in order to control and evaluate each change within the strategy of continuous improvement of processes.
  • Develop, maintain and review the Six Sigma curriculum, provide training to train and select the other professionals who will work to implement the Lean Six Sigma methodology. It will also serve as a link with external agencies to attract new members to the team.
  • You will perform networking functions with other Master Black Belts, to be on the cutting edge of Lean Six Sigma trends.

What do companies look for in a six sigma master black belt?

With these responsibilities in mind, companies posting Master Black Belt jobs typically look for a candidate with the following skills and experiences:

  • More than five years of experience as a Black Belt.
  • Mastery of Six Sigma process improvement tools: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC).
  • Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and Lean.
  • Completion of at least five Black Belt projects with significant commercial results.
  • Experience in managing cross-functional projects, strong ability to lead others without direct authority.
  • Strong change management skills.
  • Experience in delivering Black belt and Green Belt training.
  • Ten or more Black Belts or Green Belts trained to successfully complete and certify the project.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication and presentation skills.

How does a master six sigma black belt use innovative tools?

Currently there are numerous innovative tools capable of optimizing the work processes of a company. And fortunately, they are affordable for any type of business.

Technological advances allow the creation of algorithms capable of calculating the best work path for our equipment in a few seconds. In this way, we democratize the management of professional projects. Any business, whatever its size, especially for SMEs, these types of applications such as 6sigma, can considerably increase productivity and work efficiency.

By detecting the critical path, bottlenecks, facilitating and promoting communication and continuous updating of the team, it simplifies projects, so that we can take action as soon as possible.

One of the things that companies use the most is the planning of different scenarios with simulations that allow us to see how a certain change would affect the entire project. One of the main tasks of a Six Sigma Master Black Belt.

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