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What problems can be experienced during commercial cleaning?

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What problems can be experienced during commercial cleaning

Whether or not you think that your commercial cleaning services are up to par is not the issue at hand. The fact of the matter is that there are five major issues causing as much as 95% of the problems we experience with our janitorial services companies.

It’s important to recognize What problems can be experienced during commercial cleaning, and the rails in order to work with current cleaning companies to get them back on track or use the 5 issues to screen prospective janitorial companies.

It’s important to recognize the five major issues that can go wrong with our commercial cleaning services because if we can pinpoint the problems, we can work with the cleaning company to get them back on track.

If you’re happy with your current commercial cleaning company, then there’s no need to read any further.

However, for those of us who are unhappy with our service, it’s important to understand that there are usually only five major issues causing the problems.

Once we identify these issues, we can work with our current company to get them back on track or use the 5 issues to screen prospective janitorial companies.

When it comes to commercial cleaning services. If we can identify these issues, we can work with current cleaning companies to get them back on track or use the issues to screen prospective janitorial companies.

Here are the five major issues that cause 95% of problems with janitorial companies, and why it’s important to be aware of them.

This way, you can either work with your current cleaning company to get them back on track or use the 5 issues to screen prospective janitorial companies.

Not enough cleaning staff for the size of the building. Inadequate training for new hires poorly maintained equipment Unreliable or inconsistent schedule 5. Lack of communication between management and cleaning staff

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 Inadequate Training

One of the best ways to get great service from your commercial cleaning company is to make sure that they understand how important it is to train their employees.

Consistent, effective, and individualized service requires a formalized training program for systematized cleaning from your building services contractor.

Good employees require effective training to be great, and great service comes as a result. Consistent, effective, and individualized service from your commercial cleaning company requires a formalized training program for a systematized cleaning process.

Good employees need effective training to be good. To avoid service issues with your commercial cleaning company is to ensure that they understand how crucial it is to train their staff.

To give you and your building the best possible service, your building services contractor should have a formal, systemized training program for cleaning.

Top-notch service requires top-notch employees, and employees need quality training to be outstanding.

Inadequate Training

High Janitorial Turnover

What problems can be experienced during commercial cleaning? When your janitorial company has a high turnover, it can be a silent service killer. You might think that it’s their issue and not yours, but you’d be wrong.

Your facility is not insulated from your cleaning company’s janitorial turnover issues. How does your janitorial services company’s high employee turnover hurt your facility?

One of the best ways to sidestep service issues from your commercial cleaning company is to make sure they understand the importance of training their people.

High turnover rates from your janitorial company can be a silent service killer because you might think your cleaning company’s turnover is their issue, not yours.

While it’s easy to think you and your facility are insulated from your cleaning company’s janitorial turnover issues, you are not.

How do your janitorial products of cleaning companies’ high employee turnover hurt your facility? One of the best ways to sidestep service issues from your commercial cleaning company is to assure that they understand the importance of training their people.

Product managers can also help by ensuring that they review previous projects and document what processes worked well and which ones need to be changed.

Absence of Effective Quality Assurance Systems

Quality service doesn’t just happen, it’s designed that way. Quality assurance systems make reliability happen by holding everyone accountable.

What problems can be experienced during commercial cleaning? The best way to make sure quality control happens in the janitorial industry is through janitorial inspections. Janitorial inspections connect a facility manager and a cleaning company.

Not only do the janitorial companies use janitorial inspections regularly. They also use technology to communicate information, like apps, software, and reporting.

Quality service never happens by chance, it happens by design. Having a quality assurance system helps to ensure reliability and accountability.

In the janitorial industry, one of the most effective ways to control quality is through janitorial inspections. Janitorial inspections help to connect a facility manager and a cleaning company.

Not only do janitorial companies use janitorial inspections regularly. But they also put technology to use like apps, software, and reporting to communicate the information.

Absence of Effective Quality Assurance Systems

Lack of Communication

Communication is key, especially when it comes to commercial cleaning companies. If a company can’t communicate effectively with their customers or their own employees. They can’t deliver the level of service that makes them worth keeping.

Oftentimes, janitorial companies put their focus on the wrong things. Which can lead to subpar cleaning, strained relationships, and overall dissatisfaction.

Subpar cleaning, strained relationships, and dissatisfaction often come down to one thing: poor communication. So it’s surprising that so many janitorial companies still get it wrong.

It doesn’t matter if a company has the best cleaning products, new equipment, and a great crew–if they don’t communicate well with customers or their own people.

They can’t deliver quality service. Maybe your cleaning company is focused on the wrong things. Communication is key, especially when it comes to something as important as keeping your commercial space clean.

Many janitorial companies overlook the importance of communication and as a result. Their customers are left unhappy with the level of service.

If you’re looking for a cleaning company that will put their focus on the right things. One that will communicate effectively with you and their people, then you’ve come to the right place.

It’s no secret that communication is key, especially when it comes to service-oriented business companies.

After all, if the people providing the service can’t communicate effectively with those receiving the service How can they possibly deliver the level of quality that makes them worth keeping around?

This is often the issue at hand – janitorial companies may have great cleaning products and equipment.

But if they don’t know how to communicate with their customers or their staff. They’ll never be able to provide the level of service that makes them worth keeping.


The process of cleaning for a commercial business is different from the process of cleaning for a residential one.

Commercial cleaning companies need to be able to handle the demands of a variety of cleaning tasks. Some of which can be quite complicated and require specific cleaning procedures.

What problems can be experienced during commercial cleaning? Here are some things to look out for in order to ensure they are suited to your needs.

Customers will judge you by your business premises and the way that they are kept. It is important to make sure that the premises are always kept clean.

Especially if it is a shop or other business premises. The premises should be clean at all times and kept that way by a consistent commercial cleaning service.

For more information visit our website.

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