Home » How to Host Virtual Murder Mystery Weekends

How to Host Virtual Murder Mystery Weekends

by Team Techvilly
Murder Mystery Weekends

Although the world is opening up as it is getting used to COVID-19 and the emergence of various variants every now and then, taking safety precautions at all times is a wise decision. However, staying safe doesn’t have to lock yourself up without ever meeting your friends to have a pleasant evening or a fun weekend.

Killing Game helps you make your weekends both safe and entertaining by guiding you to host incredible murder mystery weekends that make sure you remain safe and happy!

Pick Your Theme

Similar to real-life murder mystery games, you have to choose your theme and game when hosting your murder mystery weekend party. The theme sets the tone for the weekend party, so you can choose a theme of your interest or that of your guests. Doing background research before selecting the murder mystery game helps in hosting a perfect murder mystery weekend party and makes the process more enjoyable. If you don’t wish to create a murder mystery plot, you can purchase a murder mystery game kit.

Invite Your Guests

As a host, it becomes challenging to coordinate a guest list, especially if you plan to coordinate a virtual murder mystery game across different time-zones. Also, your choice of video conferencing service also impacts the murder mystery party in case the guests you have selected live in different countries and might not have a conferencing service you have picked.

Gather Your Costume and Backdrop

Arrange your backdrop and costume for the characters you are to play. You can wear your costume and apply makeup to be in the full murder mystery weekend spirit.

Choose the Day, Time, and Video Chat Host

Once you have sent out the invitation and taken everyone on board to be a part of a virtual murder mystery plot, get the logistics taken care of. Decide a video chat host, and choose your day and time that works for everyone.

Share and Seek Out Information

In virtual murder mystery weekends, you can’t exchange information with another participant by stealthily whispering in their ear in the corner of a room. You have to arrange private side conversations on phone calls, Face Time, Texts, etc.

Different virtual experiences offer specialized steps before accusing a murderer, but they ultimately involve evidence-style information discussion. There is a murder mystery forensic report to review and discuss before the participants reveal who they think the murderer is.

Keep Short Breaks for Food or Beverages

You can together have small breaks to eat together and chat so that you all don’t feel drained by the end of the game. It will allow you all to refresh your minds.

Accuse a murderer

By the time you reach to accuse the murderer, the chat room is full of laughs as you all pin down who you think the murderer is. It is the final and the most exciting part as each player has to make a guess. The host will have everyone write their answers on a piece of paper.

When the host counts to 1, the guests flash their answers on their screens. They do it all at once, so they don’t get to change their answers. Once the real murderer is exposed, enjoy sharing your experience with the other players, explaining why you chose who you did and any other anecdotes from the murder mystery party! Killing Game helps you host incredible murder mystery weekends at the place of your choice. You can browse through the different packages to select a venue you think would be perfect to gather your friends for an exciting, fun-filled, and murderous weekend!

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