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How to get rid of cockroaches

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How to get rid of cockroaches

Cockroaches can be easy to kill, but do we really eliminate them completely? These insects have a great capacity to adapt to the environment and therefore multiply as if they were termites. 토토사이트

Hand holding Cockroach on house background, eliminate cockroach in house Hand holding Cockroach on house background, eliminate cockroach in house,Cockroaches as carriers of disease cockroach stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

The survival power is so great that the number of guests in a house can torment anyone. For this reason, in these lines, we will teach you how to get rid of cockroaches by the root.

Before sending them, it is important to understand that they do not represent a threat. In fact, they feed on different bacteria that can also threaten our health.

2 key aspects of cockroaches

Before knowing the methods that can eradicate them, we have to consider 2 elements that are key.

Where do cockroaches hide?

His favorite place is wooden furniture, openings found at home, and even cracks. Also in places where there are many bacteria, including bathrooms and the place where we deposit garbage.

All the places mentioned above are reachable by humans to exterminate them, but sometimes they are found in places that are not, such as bathroom pipes, kitchen, under appliances, and others.

Where do they enter?

The entry of cockroaches may be unavoidable since they enter through windows, and doors, are born from the garbage, or from the same food products that are transported from stores to our homes. However, the last way is the one that occurs least.

How to eliminate cockroaches?

There are multiple ways to eliminate them from the root, such as the ones that we are going to put in the table below.

Home hygiene

To eliminate cockroaches it is essential to maintain hygiene throughout the home. If it is very large, it will probably be much more difficult to control it, but remember that they love dirt, since they feed on it. If you have the opportunity, try to get each member of the house to help clean it.

Some practical tips could be the following.

  • Clean under sofas.
  • Keep in perfect condition the holes that are inside the chairs, cabinets, under the carpets, and even the ceiling beams.

Seal gaps and cracks

A place that cockroaches love is dark and closed. To prevent these from being in these areas, it is important to cover them very well.

avoid humidity

Keeping the bathrooms dry and the kitchen in the same state of cleanliness will prevent these insects from appearing. Also avoid having dishes piled up in the kitchen, as this is a key factor in attracting them immediately.

Aromatic herbs

This is another natural way to remove them. Aromatic herbs have a particular smell that they dislike. The aromatic herbs that you can use are, for example, laurel and mint, although there are other types.

Sugar and baking soda

Mixing baking soda and sugar will help get rid of cockroaches. It is a mixture that attracts them, but it will kill them because of the combination of the substance.


Mixing them with sugar will also kill them, an alternative that will work just like baking soda. Are you interested in our professional cleaning services? At SCS Group, we provide customers with flexible, innovative, integrated services offering for domestic and commercial cleaning needs.

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