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Kraft Bags-The King of the Packaging Industry

by Team Techvilly
custom packaging box

It’s an era marked by efforts to undo the damage we’ve done to the planet. One way to do that is to stop at least doing any further damage. The increased carbon footprints on the planet are very much a result of unmanageable and non-degradable custom packaging box waste, besides other factors. Hence, the packaging industry owes a great deal to the ecosystem and has to take the burden of repairing the damage.

With the condition becoming grave with time, there is no room for non-degradable material in packaging. It’s time that we revert to natural materials. One of the most practical options in this regard is that of the kraft paper. It is already seen everywhere, from grocery bags to heavy industrial packaging. The strength it provides and the customization it offers make it one of the most suitable packaging materials. 

Brown kraft paper, virgin or recycled, gives that classic vintage look, or you can get it all dyed up in vibrant colors for a funky look. Kraft bags are already among the most popular choice of learned customers who want to halt the damage to the home planet. These bags are sturdy enough to carry heavy items and still among the trendiest packaging types.

You are Free to Play with the Hues

One of the best things about kraft bags is that you can customize them according to your taste. No wonder you cannot count the styles in which these bags are seen daily. Although their original brown classic look is preferred by many because it gives a sober vintage look, you can get the kraft material colored in any shade of your choice. The brown kraft is always in trend and will never go out of fashion. Besides, it saves you the additional cost of printing. 

However, we also see a huge variety of colored and custom kraft bags, which are nothing but stunning. Kraft allows you to play with the colors and provides highly precise shades. So you can give your kraft bags a dip in any shade and come up with something refreshing.

Whether you are a fan of vibrant and youthful tones or like the sober, deeper blue or black shades, choose from the packaging company’s CMYK palette, your company’s specific color and let your bag reflect your taste.

Besides, the huge surface provided by these bags is an open invitation to print the graphics of your choice. You can get the company-specific graphics printed on your kraft bags through offset or digital printing.

However, make sure you get the images and graphics printed with the help of the highest quality, latest equipment. It is important that the packaging manufacturer’s staff is also well versed with the latest machinery and can use it to produce quality results. 

Be Vary of Strength 

Most branded boxes and packaging manufacturers offer a range of stock options for kraft bags alone. These can be of varying thickness, and each type of stock will provide varying degrees of durability.

It depends on you what thickness you select. Depending upon the intended use of the kraft bag, you can select the stock option that suits you the best.

Most companies offer 12pt stock to 24 pt stock. Besides selecting the most suited type of stock, you must ensure multiple layers strengthen your bags at the most crucial, weight-bearing points. This helps give additional support and adds to the durability of the bag. 

These bags are used for a wide range of purposes. For example, beautifully adorned bags with floral prints might serve the purpose of carrying gift items. Another common use of these bags is to carry the grocery from the stores to your home.

Depending upon these types of uses, the kraft bag should be sturdy enough to hold light to medium weight objects. Moreover, keeping in view the increased e-commerce trend, the bags should be given extra strength if they carry objects for long distances until they reach the doorsteps of the end user.

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