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How Do I Select and Install An ERP System?

by Darshan Fame
ERP project management system KSA

If the ERP project has been carried out well, it will be the tool that will allow him to industrialize. His activity and go beyond the level of amateurism. ERP project management system KSA If there were errors in the choice. The implementation of the production launch of an ERP will be experienced as a shock. And it will greatly disrupt the activity of a company. I saw a company where sales and production cried with rage because they could no longer invoice or manage production.

Implementing An ERP Is Therefore Not A Trivial Project 

Because it will impact the heart of the company’s activity, namely production, accounting, supplied. And even human resources. With an ERP, the work of “everyone in his own corner” is over with his own. IT tools and his own procedures, the ERP leads to a structuring of the processes with software that will be used by all.

The Starting Points For Choosing The Implementation Of An ERP Are Numerous:

Improve overall business productivity by equipping all teams with a single tool that is used. By everyone. Streamline processes and standardize products and services through business oversight. Reduce the loss of information, data, knowledge, etc., linked to flow breaks in the tools used in the company (CRM, Accounting, etc.). Accelerate processing times by collaborating on the same tool Stop working with Excel files, copy/paste. A lack of visibility and reporting on activities.

How To Choose An ERP?

An ERP should fit you like a glove, or at least not be too tight in the armholes Indeed. Just like a garment if it is too small you will be cramped and you will quickly be hampered in your movements. If it’s too big you risk not being comfortable and looking ridiculous.

You will therefore have to choose between. A “standard” ERP that offers fewer customizations. But will be faster to install, easier to upgrade, and cheaper to install. A “top-of-the-range” ERP, which offers tailor-made solutions, but will be extremely expensive in terms of configuration and maintenance.

Select a publisher that already has credentials in your industry. 

Indeed, if he has already dealt with the problems of closed companies several times. He will know what to do. So systematically ask for references in your sector with the names of people you can contact.

What Are the Main ERP Solutions?

If we focus on the French market, in the range of entry-level ERPs, there are a lot of integrated. That is to say, software that presents itself as ERP, but which has separate databases. And which are in fact just a pack with an Accounting and a Commercial Management with 2 separate databases, but which communicate with each other.

How To Succeed In Your ERP Project?

It is crucial to validate in the operational reality how the employees work, to integrate the way they work, in order to adapt the ERP (or to adapt the internal and external processes).

At the same time, the ERP is often there for about ten years in a company, it is, therefore, necessary to anticipate the needs (internationalization, reporting, etc.) so as not to be locked into an overly rigid yoke a few years later.

The second point is to obtain the support of the teams for the project, to avoid the rejection effect at the slightest small error (the “I told you so” / “I was sure of it.

For this, it is necessary to associate the operational staff with the choice of the application, but above all the specifications.

This is why it is essential to choose in each department a referent who knows the operation of the company well, and who will know how to get information from his colleagues.

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