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How Defining Objectives Plays an Important Role in Data Analysis?

by Team Techvilly

Defining objectives in a dissertation is a vital part of it. Why? Objectives provide structure and clarity of expectations from the dissertation. Also, the objectives are very much related to the data analysis of your dissertation. How? While collecting data for your dissertation and analysing that data for final results, you are actually moving towards achieving the pre-defined set of objectives. In this way, the definition of objectives plays an important in data analysis. This definition dictates the whole analysis process as your ultimate goal is to achieve the defined objectives once the analysis is completed.

So, defining objectives at the early stages and prior to the data analysis is vital for your dissertation. Do not worry; further discussion on the importance of objectives is a part of today’s article. However, before moving on to the points highlighting further importance, let’s define the objectives first. So, let’s get started with the following question:

What does it mean by objectives?

An objective is something you want to achieve through your dissertation. All your efforts and struggle are directed towards achieving those objectives. For example, the Russian objective behind the Ukraine invasion was the toppling of the government. To achieve this objective, Russia is using all its military capacity. The same is the case with research objectives. You define them prior to the research and perform the data analysis to achieve them. Hence, this is what it means by objectives.

How do objectives relate to data analysis?

Data analysis and objectives go side by side. The motive behind the data analysis is to present actual and reliable data that is in line with the research objectives. Simply put, the results of the data analysis are representative of the objectives and tell whether the objectives have been achieved or not. Therefore, there is a deep connection between defining objectives and data analysis in a dissertation. However, for most of students, it is much difficult to work on the objectives and data analysis. They have no way but to get dissertation help online for the both.

How does defining objectives play an important role in data analysis?

From the discussion above, you have learned the meaning of research objectives. In the second question, the relation between objectives’ definition and data analysis is also visible. However, there is still a need to give you some information about the role that objectives play in data analysis. A brief description of the points highlighting this importance is as follows:

1. Objectives give direction to the analysis

Undoubtedly, conducting data analysis is dependent on the objectives. There are a number of research methods that you can use to do the analysis of the collected data? The question is why do you only go for selected methods? The reason is that those methods help you easily achieve the research objectives. So, it will not be wrong to say that by defining objectives, you give a direction to your analysis. You can select the research methods that suit your objectives and overall research goal.

2. Objectives define the scope of the analysis

The second thing that highlights the importance in a more clear way is by defining objectives, where you actually define the scope of the analysis. On the basis of scope definition, which is a product of objectives, further processes are carried out like the collection of primary or secondary data. The data analysis tools and the interpretation of the analysis results all come under the scope and chosen and made by the clear definition of research objectives.

3. Defined objectives avoid any diversion

Data collection is a necessary step of data analysis. Once you start collecting the data, whether primary or secondary, you come across tons of data related to your dissertation topic. You may get blinded by this amount of data, affecting the data analysis in the end. The abundance of the data raises confusion about which type of data is the best for analysis and which is not. It is the objectives that help you stick to the main goal and allow you to define which data you need to use. So, the defined objectives help avoid any diversion, which is likely to happen during the analysis process.

4. Objectives minimise the waste of time

As it is said earlier, defining objectives first-hand prevents you from diversions. So, once the diversions are prevented, the wastage of time is automatically minimised. Along with this, the pre-defined objectives also minimise the wastage of many other resources like money and energy. When you have defined research objectives and know which methods you need to apply for the data analysis, what do you do? As a researcher, you only spend your time, energy and money on those objectives. Hence, with minimised wastage of resources, the efficiency is enhanced.

5. Objectives ease the understanding of the audience

 All the research work goes in vain if the target audience is unable to understand the analysis results. The reason is that it is the audience that makes research successful, and the fact is that it is the objectives that ease the process of understating the analysis results easy for the audience. By reading the pre-defined objectives, the readers get an initial idea of what the research is about and what to expect in the results’ section. This initial expectation setting of the audience eases the process of understanding.

6. Establish standards to evaluate analysis

The research objectives, in the end, play their part in establishing the standards to evaluate the analysis results. The objectives are measuring sticks that tell how much the analysis has been successful in achieving them. So, by defining objectives, you get to know how close you are to the solution of the issue being discussed in the dissertation.


Well-crafted objectives provide clarity to the dissertation. It is because the objectives directly relate to the data analysis and the results obtained as a result of the analysis. The objectives play their part in providing a direction to the analysis and establishing the standards to evaluate the analysis. Hence, clearly define the objectives of your dissertation before conducting the data analysis.

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