Discord servers can be thought of as virtual communities with their own set of rules, in-jokes, and users. There are servers dedicated to games, music genres/bands/etc and even political ideologies.
To join a server, navigate to Discord Me and sign in. Your homepage will display various community listings that allow you to explore and select those you would like to join.
1. Discord Servers
Servers are at the core of Discord; these virtual communities allow members to come together for chat, sharing GIFs and memes, organizing media files or even creating their own channels. You’ll find servers dedicated to your favorite games, artists or bands, political ideologies or political ideologies among many others; some may require an invite link in order to join.
To locate and join public servers, use the Explore Public Servers button located on the left sidebar of your Discord app (it features a green compass icon). From here, explore featured servers or use the search bar to narrow your choices further.
In order to join a private server, you’ll need an invite link from an active member of its community – this could be someone from Discord or another platform like Reddit.
2. Discord Me
Discord servers offer gamers a space to discuss their favorite games and topics with other gamers in a casual environment. Some servers are public while others require an invitation before joining; these micro communities often come complete with rules, culture, and unique in-jokes that help create an intimate gaming experience.
Discord Me is an invaluable way to find servers for any interest imaginable – be it music genres, political ideologies or sharing random memes! Browse community listings or filter by category before reading reviews about individual servers to get an idea of their value and popularity.
Sometimes it is impossible to join a Discord server because its invite link has expired or become invalid; this might happen because its owner set an expiration date and you have passed that limit.
3. Discord Servers Website
Discord servers are online communities of people that gather to discuss movies, TV shows and video games they love. Discord servers also serve as a great way to meet like-minded individuals while making new friendships and networking connections.
Once you find a server you wish to join, simply click on the invite link provided by its owner and it will open Discord app and allow you to join.
If you are having difficulty joining a Discord server, it could be because its invitation link has expired or been revoked by its owner. If this happens to be the case for you, ask the server owner for another link or search Disboard where reviews for multiple Discord servers allow you to find one that meets your criteria and join.
4. Explore Public Servers
Discord enables users to join servers based on their interests or hobbies and find communities who share those passions, but finding these communities may prove challenging as there are millions of servers scattered across the web, each competing for your attention.
Discord’s app includes a discovery tool, which enables you to browse public servers categorized by topics like gaming, music, education and science/tech. There are also third-party tools such as Disboard which do an excellent job categorizing and tagging communities.
Many video game streamers host Discord servers where their community can discuss games together. As these are private, you will require an invitation in order to join. These servers can usually be found by browsing websites or social media channels associated with these streamers.
5. Discord App
Discord is an app designed to facilitate organized dialogue by providing text and voice channels that allow you to organize your discussions into text- and voice-only channels, with each having individual settings for what type of content goes there, including whether or not it should remain private. Users may be granted roles that allow them to perform functions like muzzling others or adjusting volume levels during voice calls.
Discord is available for Windows, Mac OSX, Linux and Android with an easy-to-use interface that works across platforms. On its left-side menu is an Explore Public Servers button which will present you with a list of featured servers you can join.
These servers cover popular topics and are open for anyone to join; private servers offer more exclusive experiences, and require an invite link from someone in order to join.