Home » Who Should Not Wear Emerald Gemstones?

Who Should Not Wear Emerald Gemstones?

by Uneeb Khan

Emerald gemstone is an extremely gorgeous green stone that is highly beneficial because it helps to boost one’s creativity and other skills. This stone has several other benefits such as it helps in memory and cognition alongside contributing to earning more fame. 

One might get emerald gemstones from other wholesale gemstone suppliers at a very reasonable rate provided, they should wear this with proper consultation. There are certain people who shouldn’t wear emerald gemstones.

People with These Zodiac Signs Should Not Wear Emerald

This gemstone is extremely beneficial for everyone who has mercury as their ruling planet and thus these are the few zodiac signs who should not wear emerald gemstones.

  1. Aries

This zodiac sign specifically has mars as its prominent planet which does not go well with mercury, thus they should not wear this gemstone unless the mercury is in 7th or 8th place. 

  1. Cancer

This sun sign is also not suitable for emeralds; however, it is advisable to wear it through consultation only if the mercury is in an advantageous position.

  1. Scorpio

If you are Scorpio, you are also not advised to wear this stone and can wear it only if mercury is positioned as the central planet for you.

  1. Sagittarius

If one belongs to Sagittarius ascendant it is not advisable to wear emeralds because the plant mercury is in the lord of the 7th house and 10th which is a natural malefic planet for them. 

Besides these signs, here are a few recommendations for people of other signs if you are planning to opt for an emerald gemstone.

Emeralds should not be worn by people if

  1. Their mercury is in an unfavorable position.
  2. If you have difficulty focusing.
  3. If you have to lie or give any false testimonies.
  4. If little things quickly build a great impact on you.
  5. If you happen to be scheming against others.
  6. If your belongings get stolen.
  7. If you are prone to allergies.

How Can Wearing Emeralds be Harmful?

  1. Negative Effects On Mental Health

If emerald isn’t compatible with your sun sign this can adversely affect your mental health. This might have an effect on your mental health causing a mental imbalance that can hinder your professional and general life as well.

  1. Negative Impact on Personal Life

Wearing an emerald without proper consultation can hinder your personal life causing problems with parents, in-laws, and children.

  1. Negative Impact on the Financial Health

Wearing emerald without consultation can lead to not being in control of your finances. This will lead to money being slipped right under your radar.

  1. Negative Impact on Physical Health

Besides causing personal and mental health issues, emerald also causes several skin problems and throat ailments if worn without any consultation.

How to Wear Emeralds?

One has to wear an emerald gem on the little finger of the right-hand Ina silver ring. Besides this, emeralds can also be worn in a locket with a silver chain or green thread. One should offer cow’s milk and sacred water to the emerald on Wednesday and chant the buddha mantra and wear this gem. One should grace either the east or the north while putting on the emerald stone. 

While emerald is undoubtedly very useful and also has helped in curing several issues whether it is related to family or other mental disorders but on the note, it is worn considering your sun sign and taken recommendations from an astrologer. 

Wearing emeralds without taking any proper consultation from astrologers regarding your sun sign and other Kundli factors can actually have an adverse effect which has been mentioned above. Thus, it is highly advisable to wear an emerald taking into consideration all the pros and cons it brings with itself. 

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