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What types of projects do structural engineers work on?

by Uneeb Khan
structural engineer

Kinds of Structural Engineering Projects

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As structural engineers at one of the best structural engineering businesses, the projects range in size and complexity from minor to massive. Sometimes the project’s scope is not specific. Therefore, I must speak with the customer to find precisely what they require and to what degree. I get to employ both my communication and problem-solving skills in every project I work on. I enjoy going to work, knowing that my work isn’t meaningless and repetitive like some other jobs can be.

Structural Design Work

Engineers that specialize in structural design work with both new and old structures. New construction includes roads, bridges, dams, and buildings. When a new structure is being designed, a team of structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers and experts from other fields are frequently involved. When building a new structure, the structural engineer will work with the architect and owner to realize their idea and meet their requirements. Structural engineers frequently work on projects that involve additions to existing structures.

Structural Engineers Work on Construction Projects

 This is a unique project because a new structure is being added to an existing structure; as a result, the old structure must be able to support new loads and frequently needs to be increased to do so.

Projects involving existing structures may number indicators of structural components to support additional loads or to adapt to changes in a structure’s load-bearing components. When building owners or users want to add construction machinery to a structure that wasn’t initially considered in the design, they approach structural engineers.

Many thousand-pound pieces of mechanical and electrical equipment may exceed the structure’s design live load. Structural engineers aim to determine the most practical and affordable approach to support these additional loads, whether by constructing a new structure within the existing system or by improving social structural elements.

One project I worked on involved fixing many large, heavy electrical equipment pieces on the fourth floor of a historic structure. We concluded it would be more practical to create a steel structure above the floor level to support the equipment rather than placing it directly on the floor and securing it from below after doing study and design work. 

Together with architects, structural engineers work on construction projects where the architect frequently wishes to change or remove some of the building’s load-bearing components. Removing load-bearing walls or structures or changing occupancy are a few modifications. When structural members remove, it must develop new load ways. This can be completed by adding beams, columns, braces, and even a new foundation, which can be expensive.

Plans for Building Materials and Structures

Because they will have to work with whatever kind of structure is under the building’s finishes while remodeling existing buildings, structural engineers should have a broad knowledge of various building materials and structures. They must use their investigative abilities to establish how the structure was built and how the original engineer intended for the structure to handle the applied loads if there are no existing plans for the building.

The architect of a building I worked on wanted to turn a portion of a restaurant into a new brewery. The architect also planned to include large windows in the load-bearing wall separating the restaurant and the brewery so that customers could observe the beer being made as they ate, increasing the load on the floor structure.

After looking into and analyzing the current structure, we concluded it would be preferable to take out the entire floor system and install a new floor system and foundation that could support the enormous loads in its place. To support the roof loads for the new window openings, new beams, and columns in front of and beside the windows. Because there was not enough area for personnel to enter the crawl space beneath the floor to reinforce the structure, strengthening the floor was impossible.

Structural Engineers will work with Building Owners

Engineers specializing in structural design also restore damaged or failed structures already in place. All structures have a lifespan, and it is our responsibility to design a repair to restore the structural capability of those elements when they degrade, and it challenges their structural integrity. Parkades are one type of building that frequently degrades more quickly than others because It continually exposed to traffic, which introduces water and salts to the surface of the building.

As a building’s first line of protection against the elements, including wind, rain, and snow, building envelopes are also a component of a structure that needs repair or restoration. To ensure that the interior of a structure is protected from the elements, structural engineers will work with building owners and architects to devise a solution to either rehabilitate or replace a defective building envelope.

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