Mental disorders have become very common among children. Their sensitive minds failed to accept things easily and they end up getting anxiety, depression, and many similar mental health issues. And the worst part is that many people ignore this issue and their children keep on suffering from mental health issues. Their behaviors change and they narrow down their social circle.
However, you cannot let your children deal with all these behavioral changes without any treatment. As soon as you feel a change in their behavior or habits take them to Camali Clinic Dubai. Here your children can get the best ABA therapy in Dubai. It will help them in improving their skills and getting out of mental problems.
However, you cannot just go and opt for ABA therapy in Dubai. There are different types and methods of ABA therapy. You need to choose the suitable one for your kids. The best way to do so is to have a look at all the types of ABA therapy. So, let’s proceed toward them.
Types of ABA Therapy
Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
It is one of the simplest versions of ABA therapy. It involves the basic technique of breaking down a project into smaller tasks to finish it easily. Similarly, in this type of treatment, a skill is broken down into smaller parts, and then each part is taught to the individual. For example, if your children have behavioral issues, then this therapy involves step-by-step improvement in their behavior.
In this treatment, the therapist checks the behavior of your children on an antecedent. The antecedent is a cue that triggers the behavior of your kids. Then after the session, progress is checked by using the same cue. It helps the therapist track the progress of your children.
Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI)
EIBI is also a basic type of ABA therapy. This technique is usually used for young children. In this method, all types of behavioral and learning skills are taught to your kids. Therapists usually start with social and communication skills. They teach your kids how to enlarge their social circle and communicate with others.
Similarly, functional skills are also taught by therapists. Every session of this therapy is very important for your kids. Furthermore, it is an intense and highly comprehensive technique to improve the behavior and skills of your children. It is extremely individualized as well because different kids adopt different methods of learning. Therapists cannot use the same method for a group of children.
Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)
This technique is used for very early stages. Usually, children who don’t show any behavior after turning 1 year have to go with this type of treatment. It focuses on the early behaviors and skills of your kids. It is suitable for kids aged 12 to 48 months. It is associated with play activities to help children learn their basic skills. Fostering cognitive and language skills are the main focus of ESDM. Some social skills are also included in this type of ABA therapy.
Natural Environment Training
Natural environment training is one of the most effective types of ABA therapy. It is not only a type of treatment but also a practice of other types of ABA therapy. In this method, the children have to practice their skills in real-time. For example, after learning social, language, communication, and other behavioral skills, your kids are provided with a natural environment. Then therapists assist them to practice their skills in this environment.
Using a natural environment helps them to easily learn new skills and improve their social activities. A group of children can be trained by this technique at the same time as they all can practice and learn in the natural environment.
Focused ABA Therapy
This therapy is used for some specific mental issues only. In this type, only a single issue is treated at a time. For example, if your kids have anxiety or another serious mental issue, then Focused ABA therapy is the solution to treat them.
Now you have to choose a suitable treatment plan for your kids depending on their current mental and behavioral condition. A therapist can help you to choose the perfect type for your kids. You can get all these types of ABA therapy in Camali Clinic Dubai by highly experienced and skilled therapists.