Home » Tips and Advice on How to become an expert editor and proofreader

Tips and Advice on How to become an expert editor and proofreader

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If you want to work as a freelancer and learn the skills of editing and proofreading to give the services of editing and proofreading, here are some tips to help you improve your skills. You can take a course from Skill share to learn advanced editing types and sentence clarification. Keep notes in Evernote or Google Keep. You can also practice reading the content aloud and backwards. Getting a freelance editor’s job will be easy with a good editing system.

Skill share’s course will teach you advanced lessons like editing types and sentence clarification

Whether a beginning writer or an advanced editor, a Skill share class can help you learn the latest techniques and skills in your chosen field. Styles usually consist of a single 30-minute video lesson, broken into short, two-minute segments. Each class includes an “About” page with a brief description of the topic and tabs for “discussions” and reviews. You can also join a community and interact with other users.

The best part about Skill share is that its classes come from a wide range of talented teachers, many of whom aren’t as famous as you might think. That means you’re more likely to find a course you’ll enjoy. Many courses include UI/UX, coding, and graphics. The vast array of classes makes it easy to find one that suits your needs.

Google Keep and Evernote are great for keeping track of your work as a freelancer

If you’re looking for a way to keep your notes organized, Google Keep and Evernote are two options worth considering. Google Keep is free, but you’ll only be able to store about 15GB of your notes for free. For more space, consider signing up for a Google Drive account, which will cost you $1.99 a month for 100GB, $2.99 for 200GB, and $9.99 a month for 2TB. Evernote is another note-taking app, but it has a lot of limitations. There are only 60MB of storage space per month, and you can’t scan or email notes.

Google Keep lets you transcribe audio notes and can even be used on a mobile device. Google Keep also allows you to color-code your to-do list for a more organized approach. For example, red notes are Sunday plans, while blue notes are Monday tasks. Both apps also allow you to add reminders, and you can even record a voice memo on Google Keep if you need to.

Read the content backwards

If you want to become an expert editor and proofreader, one of the first steps you should take is to read the content backwards. This is because reading backwards forces you to focus on the words, which is important for spelling. It can also help you check your grammar. As with any other skill, proofreading requires practice and constant learning. A good reference is a dictionary or handbook.

Read the content aloud

Learning to be a better proofreader and editor starts by reading your work aloud. This will help you catch errors more easily. While reading silently, you might make unconscious corrections. But reading out loud will help you correct mistakes much more effectively. Here are some tips on how to become an expert editor and proofreader. You can also read out loud for fun! But make sure you read the content aloud carefully.

First, read out loud. Spell checkers will catch the most common mistakes, but proofreading involves noticing more than just misspelled words. Proofreading involves noticing sentence structure, repetition, and flow of text. To do this effectively, you must read your text out loud. Performing this step will allow you to spot weird sentence structure and repetition. Then, you can improve your proofreading skills.

Avoid common errors while proofreading.

To avoid common errors while proofreading your work, you should familiarize yourself with the most frequent errors. Proofreaders should check dates, column headings, and double-check any numbers connected to dollar signs. They should also check spelling of names. They should be aware of all the lingo related to the subject of the work. However, this is not an exhaustive list of all mistakes. Using a dictionary is a great way to catch them.

When writing, the human brain isn’t geared to notice small details, such as ‘double the’ in the subject line. Proofreading helps you identify mistakes that you might have overlooked during the drafting process. While spell-check can catch most errors, it cannot see every mistake. To avoid common mistakes while proofreading, you should practice writing. Use the handout below to practice. It contains seven common mistakes, including grammar and punctuation errors.

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