Stent placement in Albuquerque can be tricky business, but knowing what to expect from the procedure can help you through the process as much as possible. Here’s what you need to know about stent placement in Albuquerque…
What is a stent and why do I need it?
A stent is a wire-mesh tube that is put into your fistula (the vein used for hemodialysis) after it’s been damaged. A stent helps keep it open and allows your healthcare team to do some much-needed maintenance, like cleaning and flushing so that your dialysis treatments work better. It’s also more comfortable than having needles poked into a clogged fistula—and less risky than surgery.
What are the different types of stents used?
The two most common types of stents are Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO). As with all surgical procedures, there are risks associated with stent placement. It is important that each patient be counseled on potential complications and discuss any concerns. If a fistula is not properly placed or maintained, hemodialysis treatments will not be possible and patients may experience excessive fatigue. Stent placement Albuquerque
How long do they last?
How long a stent is left in your arm depends on how many times you dialyze and how quickly your fistula closes. When a stent is placed, we typically leave it for one week. If you dialyze frequently or have rapid closure, it can be pulled out sooner. We try to pull all stents out within two weeks of their placement.
Costs, advantages, and risks of internal ureteral stents (IUS)
Ureteral stents are often used for stenting during ureteroscopy. They can be either removable (called multiple-sclerosis stents, or MS) or non-removable. Removable stents are placed in internal ureteral access during surgery and may remain there permanently. Non-removable stents cannot be retrieved and must remain permanently within internal ureteral access.
Considerations before placing an internal ureteral stent
Unlike a pancreatic stent or a mesenteric artery stent, an internal ureteral stent requires direct access to one of your ureters. This usually requires surgery or at least endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with partial or complete cystoscopy. You may have some uncertainty about whether an internal ureteral stent is right for you.