Home » Product Design Tools to Design a User-Friendly Ecommerce App Interface

Product Design Tools to Design a User-Friendly Ecommerce App Interface

by Ahsan Khan
Product Design Tools to Design a User-Friendly Ecommerce App Interface

You need an eCommerce app, but you’re not sure where to start.

Part of designing an app is understanding what features make a mobile app user-friendly. Auto-updating, security, and an intuitive, user-friendly interface are all great ideas.

But creating a user-friendly app is about more than design philosophy – you need the right product design tools to help you in your app dev journey. Otherwise, all you have are ideas.

What product design tools are needed for your eCommerce app? Here’s our list of recommendations.

Product Design Tools for Your App

When it comes to creating an app interface, there are a few different tools you can use to help you with the design process. Each one serves its own distinct purpose, so it’s likely you will want to check out several of these.

UserBit for UX Insights

UserBit describes itself as “modern qualitative research software for innovative product and design teams.” Essentially, it serves as a repository for your UX design. You can organize your notes, upload and analyze survey data, create personas, and map out user flows and journey maps.

If you are looking to understand the user experience better, UX insights can help you.

Slack for Streamlined Communications

Slack is a professional messaging tool that enables streamlined communications between various team members and teams. Slack is available online and via desktop/mobile apps.

Slack also has tons of integration, allowing many other tools to plug into it. Some examples include Google Drive, Microsoft Teams, Dropbox, Stripe, Hootsuite, and many, many more.

Odds are there’s at least one integration you will use in your day-to-day work. At the very least, you should consider adding the essential apps to your Slack.

Miro for Remote Creation

Miro is a visual workspace that allows users to remotely design and collaborate. Think of Miro as a virtual whiteboard.

Miro can be used for tasks such as content and data visualization, project management, and diagram and process mapping. Additionally, Miro provides lots of different templates to help you get started.

It’s a great tool for brainstorming and sharing product design ideas. Use it to determine button placement on a mockup of your app, or test out other user design ideas.

Builder for All-in-One Easy App Creation

Finally, there’s Builder. Builder development platform enables fast, cost-effective app development for multiple operating systems. It’s so easy, no tech skills are required.

Even if you do get stuck, our Builder.ai ongoing support team is there to help you get back on track. Plus, our aftercare plan handles updates, bug fixes, and infrastructure monitoring for you.

Finally, check out our guide on how to build an eCommerce app from scratch for more in-depth information on creating a great app.

Build Your Android App Right Now

When it comes to product design tools, there’s one tool you can’t live without – ours.

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