Home » How to invest in cryptocurrencies and which are the most profitable in 2022

How to invest in cryptocurrencies and which are the most profitable in 2022

by Uneeb Khan
How to invest in cryptocurrencies and which are the most profitable in 2022

How to invest in cryptocurrencies and which are the most profitable in 2022

Cryptocurrencies are still on everyone’s lips in 2022. This year, due to the fall that these digital currencies are accumulating. But what does that mean? What is a bad time to invest in crypto? Many people believe that falls are the best time to continue buying, but that depends on the strategy of each one. 

If you have come this far, it is most likely that you are looking for new investment alternatives and one of the most interesting is, precisely,  investing in cryptocurrencies:  assets that have experienced a great revaluation since their creation. In this article, we explain what a cryptocurrency is, how it works, how to invest, which cryptocurrencies to invest in, and which are the best in 2022.

At Finest we have also created a section where you can see information on different platforms where you can buy Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, compare and then decide which one best suits you.

What Crypto To Buy Now? Why Should One Invest In Cryptocurrencies?

In any case, for this type of investment, as well as for many other high-risk ones, it would be best if you let yourself be accompanied by a financial advisor.

What are cryptocurrencies

The most widespread definition of cryptocurrency is that it is a digital currency, not a physical one, that uses cryptography to secure and manage transactions, as well as to create new currencies within the blockchain network. 

This explanation of what a cryptocurrency is includes the two most important characteristics of these digital currencies. The first is that there are no bills or coins like there are euros, dollars,, or pounds. Cryptocurrencies are digital and, although they can be stored in physical devices (so-called wallets or physical purses such as hard drives or USB memories), they do not have a physical representation as such.

The second is that cryptography is used to create new drives. P2P technology is what, for practical purposes, makes it not dependent on any government or country:  there is no central agency or government in charge of creating new currencies and putting more money in the market. As an example, Bitcoin uses blockchain technology to regulate the creation of new units. Also, in this case, the number of coins available is limited, something that is not always the case with other cryptocurrencies.

Types of cryptocurrencies

Ethereum, Cardano, Polkadot… there are many virtual currencies beyond the famous Bitcoin. In fact, today the number of digital currencies is around 10,000 worldwide.

Although when it comes to investing, it is necessary to have the sufficient financial knowledge and know exactly what products we are depositing our money in and what risks we are assuming. We tell you which are the best cryptocurrencies to invest in and what you should take into account to choose them!

list of cryptocurrencies

How many cryptocurrencies are there? The data varies constantly and is not entirely accurate, but it is estimated that currently, at the beginning of 2022, there are more than 10,000.  Every week a new digital currency is created in a process called ICO and which we will summarize later.

The cryptocurrencies that, despite the falls, maintain a strong position in the top 10 (in terms of market capitalization) are:

  1. Bitcoin _

2. Ethereum _

3. Shiba-Inu


5. PancakeSwap

6. terra

7. Polygon

8. Solana

9. USD Coin

10. Polka Starter

Top 10 list according to Coinmarketcap (July 6, 2022).

The number of existing virtual currencies is much larger and continues to grow every day. To consult the legal cryptocurrencies you can do it through more than 800 digital currencies and their corresponding price such as World Coin Index and CoinMarketCap.

In both places, you can consult a list of the most important cryptos and also see the price of these digital currencies. 

On the other hand, if you are considering investing but do not want to complicate yourself with management, a good option is roboadvisors. Automated managers allow you to take your first steps easily and safely.

new cryptocurrencies

The world of virtual currencies never stops and new proposals emerge almost daily, known as altcoins or alternative coins in reference to the fact that they are alternatives to bitcoins. In the previous point, we have already reviewed some of the most important ones and now we are going to see how to invest in new cryptocurrencies.

Just as there are company IPOs, cryptocurrencies also have their come-out. They are called ICO or Initial Coin Offering and they will remind the investor in the stock market of the IPO or Initial Public Offering that includes the market launches and are called OPV in Spanish.

ICOs are used to finance projects. With the ICO, the company puts new digital currencies into circulation in exchange for money. 

Earning money with cryptocurrencies is possible, but you have to know which one to bet on and how to do it. In this sense, there are different ways to invest in cryptocurrencies from cryptocurrency trading to digital currency mining. Choosing the asset and the way of exploitation is key, especially when they are so volatile and have so much risk.

Best cryptocurrencies to invest in 2022

What were the most profitable cryptocurrencies last year? Which has a larger market capitalization (current price x outstanding supply)? You can see the complete lists on pages like Coinmarketcap. These figures can help us get an idea of ​​what could be some of the best cryptocurrencies of 2022, although, due to its volatility, we will update only time will tell.

We must take into account the presence of new technologies and markets where cryptocurrencies can take center stage, such as the metaverse, video games, and digital finance. In this regard, the Ethereum network and its competitors such as Cardano and Solana are proposals to keep a close eye on. Due to the theme of the Metaverse, Decentraland and its platform where you can acquire “digital land” is giving a lot of talks, just like The Sandbox. And Axie Infinity is at the head of the revolution in the world of video games. stunning flowers

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