Home » How To Cut Down Fuel Costs By Using Machine Technologies?

How To Cut Down Fuel Costs By Using Machine Technologies?

by Team Techvilly

The heavy equipment used in the construction project needs a lot of spending from the beginning. It is an expensive and high pay investment whether you have used or new equipment. After that, the maintenance and operating cost keep running with it. The fuel cost alone makes around 30-50 % of the total cost spending on the equipment. Isn’t it a huge amount? However, we are sure that after the current inflation and hike in the fuel process the figure has gone up.

The equipment owner tries different techniques and methods to cut the fuel cost. We cannot deny the fact that it is impossible to run the industry without using fuel. However, by following some smart strategies or technologies, we can make a significant decline in fuel costs.

In this article, we will give you a detailed insight on using machine technologies to cut the fuel cost down.

  1. Latest engines

All the heavy equipment runs on the engine. The operation of the engine requires fuel which may take a good amount out of your pocket. In this case, when you search for equipment like a used motor grader for sale near me, try to look for the latest and most advanced engines. The advanced engines can deliver full power even at low RPM. This very advanced capability of the engine makes it more sustainable in many ways. It uses less fuel and emits fewer carbon footprints. Hence the advanced engines are safe for the environment and your pocket as well. You can also operate the engine on economy mode which will allow you to use 6% less fuel.

  1. Advanced features

Always choose the machine having the latest technologies installed in it. The latest techs aim to make more sustainable heavy equipment. Hence, they focus on using the lesser fuel for the operation. In this case, the electric-operated and other battery-operated equipment options are available in the market. The electric-operated equipment cut the fuel usage price to zero. All you need to pay is the maintenance charges. Further, load-sensing hydraulics is another best option to reduce fuel prices that automatically sense the direction of the fluid. 

  1. Telematics

Telematics work like a wonder in construction equipment management. It has a lot of benefits as the system tells you every possible risk in advance so that you can take necessary precautions before getting the situation worst.  The same happens in the case of fuel usage. When the equipment is idling, the telematics system may automatically turn it off so that the fuel usage can be reduced. You can connect the system with your phone and can control the equipment from far places. 

  1. Onboard systems

The onboard system gives you multiple options to choose from for your equipment. All these options include productivity measurements, 2D & 3D grading, lift and slope assist, remote control, and semi-autonomous options. All you need to do is just talk to your equipment dealer and ask which option will best suit you. He will certainly help you to choose the one which helps to reduce the fuel cost as well. Moreover, when you put a keyword on google like a used motor grader for sale near me, try to get help from the top-rated vendors to be protected from scams as well.


The fuel usage in the heavy equipment operation takes almost 30-50%% of overall spending. It is a huge amount that an equipment owner needs to bear. The current inflation and the price hikes in fuel prices have increased this figure even more. In this case, we can only cut down the fuel cost by practicing some smart techniques. In this article, you may find some useful hacks to cut the fuel cost down by using simple technologies.

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