Home » Home Remedies For An Upset Stomach

Home Remedies For An Upset Stomach

by Zain Ali

Whether caused by food or some toxin or bacteria, an upset stomach is just a pain, and often results in nausea, bloating, cramps, or stomach distress. Thankfully, there are a number of natural remedies for these symptoms that aid without drugs. Be it, here are some effective home remedies to calm an upset stomach, and to promote digestive comfort.

1. Ginger

Ginger is a cure for nausea and stomach problems. As a totally natural compound, gingerols and its isosologs have inflammatory and soothing effects on the digestive system and can be used to relieve nausea, bloating, and cramps. Ginger can be eaten in several ways. Many people consume ginger in tea form and maybe even chew on fresh , raw ginger slices or add ginger powder to a warm glass of water. For an upset stomach, specifically, drinking ginger tea with honey can really help soothe it.

2. Peppermint

They also offer peppermint as a digestive issue remedy. The menthol in its content helps to relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, providing some relief from muscular cramps and general discomfort. To enjoy peppermint’s calming effects, all you have to do is drink peppermint tea, but you can also put peppermint in candies to suck or take peppermint oil capsules (taking the dosage recommended). People with GERD shouldn’t use peppermint oil because it may worsen acid reflux symptoms.

3. Chamomile Tea

It’s got anti-inflammatory and relaxant properties, which makes it perfect at soothing an upset stomach. It can also help you lower inflammation within the digestive tract, lessen cramping and relax the stomach muscles. If you can’t drink it every day you can have chamomile tea after a meal or as soon as the symptoms show up to feel better in a matter of minutes. Chamomile tea generally is gentle and safe; most people, including children and the elderly, can tolerate it.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

While acidic, apple cider vinegar can also help keep your stomach acid in check by regulating it, and promoting better digestion, when used in small amounts. This can aid in digestion of food; it may also soothe your stomach lining. For use, mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in warm water, and drink over a few minutes. A teaspoon of honey to the mix can also help it go down better and feel even more soothing. But when used in moderation, this remedy should be fine, as too much vinegar can be hard on the lining of your stomach.

5. Plain Yogurt

Active probiotics (like plain yogurt) can be very beneficial for an upset stomach, and if the cause is an imbalance of gut bacteria it can also help to prevent vomiting. Yogurt that has probiotics in it helps restore the natural balance of bacteria in your stomach so you can better digest your food and cut back on gas and bloating symptoms. Go for unsweetened and unflavored yogurt, avoid adding sugar as it can make bad stomach issues even worse. A gastroenterologist in Lahore can assist you in determining the right amount of yogurt you need to consume.

6. Baking Soda and Water

The first is a simple remedy for neutralizing stomach acid and for reducing heartburn or indigestion: baking soda – sodium bicarbonate. Using it works by reducing acidity in the stomach and can provide fast relief of pain or burning. Slowly drink half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Do not use this remedy often but if used excessively can cause sodium levels to be too high or electrolyte imbalances.

7. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds have been used as a remedy for digestive problems for years including easing gas and bloating. Made up of compounds that loosen the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, they are suitable for minimizing stomach cramps and pain. For an upset stomach, the remedy of fennel tea or fennel seeds’ half a teaspoon can be chewed. …fennel is gentle enough to use regularly, and can be beneficial after a meal that was heavy or spicy.

8. Bananas

They are easy on the stomach and bananas help to relieve digestive problems, such as diarrhea. The fiber in bananas facilitates digestion and the potassium in bananas can give your body some electrolytes back after diarrhea. A ripe banana can help settle an upset stomach, with energy and nutrients without adding stress on the digestive system.

9. BRAT Diet

For stomach upset related nausea or diarrhea, the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) is often recommended. They also have no fat, very little fiber, and are palatable, so they ease the stomach some. Foods in the BRAT diet help to reduce irritation and soothe stomach discomfort. Set small portions so the digestive system won’t be overwhelmed.

10. Hydration with Clear Fluids

Dealing with an upset stomach is best fought off when you are hydrated, especially if nausea or diarrhea is a factor. Clear fluids such as water, clear broths or herbal tea may help you prevent dehydration and ease digestive discomfort. Cutting out sugary drinks, caffeinated drinks and alcohol will only worsen stomach symptoms. It is better and less noxious to the stomach to drink small amounts of fluid frequently than to drink a lot at one time.


Simple at home remedies can soothe, relax, and support digestive health which can really help an upset stomach. Staying hydrated and trying out different options such as; ginger, peppermint tea, chamomile tea and the well known BRAT diet can alleviate symptoms. If stomach discomfort continues or worsens, seek medical advice from a gastroenterologist in Islamabad for checking for underlying conditions. Most cases of stomach upset are easily managed at home, quickly and naturally, and you can be back on your best again.

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