Home » Got a Stale Listing? 9 Ways to Improve the Look

Got a Stale Listing? 9 Ways to Improve the Look

by Team Techvilly
Got a Stale Listing of home

The real estate market shift is prominent when listings take a hit in the market right in front of the buyer or seller. Some even find themselves in hot waters when their listing has gone completely stale. While stale listings are a result of external factors, it falls on real estate agents’ shoulders to fix the issue. 

A listing can go stale for multiple reasons: 

  • The price 
  • The location 
  • The condition 

If you hit these three factors according to the local market trend, you may even hit a jackpot, but if targeted with the wrong audience in mind, you will need to freshen up the stale listing. New housing project listings cater to the most attention from the buyers since they are composed of modern amenities and facilities. For instance, a listing in park view city in Islamabad is more likely to get sold quickly than any other property listing because it’s new, so a buyer would consider it. 

Therefore if your listing has gone stale and you want to freshen it up, here are some steps you can follow. 

Time to improve communication with your client 

Always keep in touch via call 

It’s time to bring the latest information to your sellers, and educate them about the current market price and trends. If your client knows that you’d be calling them to encourage a sale on a positive note, they will be conditioned to consider your offer about selling or buying a property more seriously. 

Negotiate price adjustments 

As a liaison, real estate agents must be confident to communicate with their clients. Especially at the time of the open house. A well-involved marketing strategy and budget are dedicated to promoting any listing online. So as an agent you need to schedule this in advance so that you ensure the right buyer has the chance to take a look into the property. 

Create a killer CMA 

Sadly, most real estate agents fail to provide updated CMAs for their existing listings once they make an appointment. It reflects badly on the listing. Clients are interested to know the latest information and helping them understand you. It is a real estate agent’s role to share correct pricing for the listing and pour in preferred location choices too. 

Update listing’s image 

Update the photos 

A bad quality image is not appealing at all. If you have not invested in a professional photographer, do it now. It’s a serious issue taken lightly resulting in consequences like a stale listing. Even a new housing project like Park View City Islamabad would require high-definition photos of the house’s exterior and interior. 

Dark or unfocused pictures are a deal breaker because it does not give any clarity to buyers. Remember, most clients are mobile users so the image display must be clear. 

Update images in order 

Buyers do not want five pictures of the house exterior before they get to see interior photos. So lead with top spots after a clear picture of the house exterior. Benign with entrance, kitchen, living, room, master bedroom and bathroom, other bedrooms and bathrooms. Take time to label the photos correctly. Also, ensure that house exterior photos are taken in the current season so that potential buyers do not deter. 

Ask sellers to stage house 

If a home needs any repairs or maintenance, or upgrades to any previous fixtures and installations, they should get it fixed before taking professional photos. Encourage homeowners to make their homes clean as much as possible before opening them for potential buyers. A clean-looking house has a higher chance of getting sold than other places. 

Offer parking solutions 

Check parking situation 

The first question of concern after looking at the house exterior is related to parking/driveway. If the driveway is small or unclean, and in poor condition, buyers will bail out from the moment they step inside the gate. Many buyers make up their minds from what they see on the house exterior. If a parking solution is a must considering the landscape. 

Price incentives 

A home without a garage can have a lower price as compared to one with spacious parking. Remember that with location available space for parking matters too. So if a home is located in a less desirable area, the price can play as a strong incentive for the buyer to actually finalize the purchase. 

 You can also connect buyers with sellers to help start a conversation about the locality and property. 

Try these methods to improve a stale listing response. You need to constantly monitor and update your listings to get the right results.

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