Home » 5 Must-Know Digital Start for SME Practices for 2023

5 Must-Know Digital Start for SME Practices for 2023

by Uneeb Khan
Digital Start for SME | LeanBPI


The world of digital has changed the way we work, and it’s only going to continue. In fact, a recent study by PWC predicts that by 2022 over 50% of all companies will have invested in digital transformation strategies. If you’re an SME owner or manager, this is good news for you! It means that it’s not just large corporations who can benefit from improved efficiency and profitability through Digital Start and digital technologies. Smaller businesses can do so too! But how exactly do they go about doing this?

Here are five steps every small business should take toward becoming digitally enabled:

Create a Digital Account on social media

  • Create a digital account on social media
  • Create a website
  • Create a blog
  • Use digital marketing tools to reach more clients and grow your business.

Start Creating Content on Your Channels

  • Start creating content that is relevant to your audience.
  • Create content that is useful and informative.
  • Create engaging and entertaining videos, photos or other visuals to engage with your viewers on a deeper level than just reading text alone.
  • Share these videos or images with others in the same industry or niche so they can also learn from what you’re doing! This helps build a brand name for yourself as an expert in your field. Which will benefit everyone who comes across it when searching online looking for help with their own project ideas too!

Use digital tools to transform your business

As a small business owner, you know that customer experience is key to your success. Digital tools can help you transform your business and improve customer service by giving you the ability to deliver a better experience.

Use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter for customer support and feedback. Use email marketing tools such as MailChimp or Constant Contact to send regular communications. Use a CRM (customer relationship management) system such as Salesforce or Zoho CRM so that you can manage all of your interactions with customers while they are on their mobile devices. And use video conferencing software such as Zoom™ calls that enable remote meetings anywhere in the world without being connected directly via telephone wires or cables—and much more!

Learning from the Best!

  • Learn from the best
  • Find out what works for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment and test things out, but make sure that you’re basing your decisions on real-world data and not just theory. You don’t want to waste time building something that isn’t going to help your business grow!
  • Use your own creativity!

Improve your website

  • Improve your website. The first step to becoming a successful business is to have a solid digital presence, which means you need to make sure that people can find your website easily and navigate it easily. This can be done in several ways:
  • Use a responsive design (a design that adjusts based on the device being used) if possible; otherwise, use an adaptive design so that it works across all devices and browsers. You should also include social media icons where appropriate so users can share content easily on social media networks like Facebook or Twitter without having to leave the page they are viewing at all times!
  • Keep things simple by avoiding excessive graphics or images on any given page—this will help keep loading times down while still giving visitors enough information about what they’re seeing without going overboard with visual clutter around every corner of every page! Make sure everything looks good at any size too because if something doesn’t work well then users won’t stick around long enough for anything else…it’s as simple as math here folks 🙂

Digital Start for SME

Digital Start for SME represents the latest trend in the digital world, as it helps businesses to get ahead of their competitors. According to a report by Gartner, there will be 1.7 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2020. The number of digital technologies that use artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning is also increasing rapidly. These technologies can help you manage your business more efficiently by automating tasks that require human intelligence.

In this article, we will discuss some important things related to digital start for SME which include:

  • Types of SME firms – What types of companies should consider starting a digital strategy? What kind do they need?
  • How do you launch your first project? How long does it take from conception until launch? And what are some key considerations when launching a new product or service in today’s market?


We hope this article has given you some ideas on how to start your digital transformation. If you are interested in learning more about our Digital Start for SME services and how we can help your business achieve success, please contact us today.

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