Home » Best Weapons to Upgrade in Black Ops Origins

Best Weapons to Upgrade in Black Ops Origins

by Team Techvilly

If you’re thinking about upgrading your Weapons, you need to know which ones are
the best to choose. Here are a few good choices: the MP40, the Thundergun, and the
Ice Staff. These weapons are very useful to any kind of player and have great

Ray Gun Mark 2

If you’re looking to upgrade your weapon in Black Ops Origins, the Ray Gun Mark 2 is
the weapon you should focus on. This weapon is extremely versatile and a great
choice for those who want to increase their damage. While it lacks some of the
features that the original model had, it’s still a great option for those who want to
increase their damage without spending too much time upgrading.
The Ray Gun Mark 2 is the most powerful weapon in the game. It’s capable of oneshotting zombies and can also take out entire groups of zombies with just a few
blasts. The gun can also be upgraded to increase its ammo capacity and power.

ice staff upgrade

If you want to upgrade your ice staff code in Black Ops Origins, you will need 3 parts: a
coloured disc, a black disc, and a gramophone. You can find the coloured disc inside
a building next to Generator 2, on a weapon box shelf next to a rear door.
To upgrade your Ice Staff, you will need to collect the parts and upgrade them. There
are no specific locations for acquiring these parts, but there are specific
requirements. First, you need to wait until it snows. Then, you need to dig up rubble
piles on the floor. After you dig up these piles, you need to exhaust all dig sites on
the map, which is generally in the middle of the map. You can also find the
gramophone by digging up the floor inside the Excavation Site.
Besides shooting objects, the Ice Staff can also be used to shoot ceiling slabs, wall
symbols, and gravestones. The first one is in the front of the map, while the second
is outside the map boundary. The third one is right next to a robotic arm.

The MP40

If you’re looking for a second weapon for your character, you should definitely go for
the MP40. It provides deadly damage while offering huge mobility, both of which are
essential in the Warzone. To make your MP40 upgrade go even further, you should
also consider using the Recoil Booster muzzle and the VDD 189mm Short barrel,
which increase the weapon’s TTK and reduce its damage fall-off at long range.
Although the MP40 is not the most powerful weapon in the game, it is still a good
choice if you’re looking to score points and kill more zombies. With the right ammo,
you can kill several zombies in a single shot. The MP40 also has an ammo cost of
4,500, which is more affordable than most other weapons.


The Thundergun is a powerful weapon that can kill several zombies at once. It can
also knock them back with its piercing shot. However, it has its drawbacks, including
a limited amount of ammo, and is best used against groups of zombies. In Black Ops
Origins, it’s important to know how to properly use your Thundergun.
The Thundergun is not the only weapon you can upgrade in Black Ops Origins. You
can also use the Staff of Wind. This weapon shoots a blast of air that knocks
enemies back, and it also can create tornadoes. However, it has a lower range than
the Thundergun, and it also requires you to power up Max Ammo to make it more


The Wunderwaffe is one of the most powerful weapons in Black Ops Origins, and can
be upgraded to enhance its damage and power. This weapon utilizes electricity to
electrocute zombies and zaps nearby enemies. This weapon is best used when you
are outnumbered and surrounded by zombies. It has a large ammo capacity and can
kill many zombies in one shot. It can also be upgraded to become a DG-3, which
further enhances its damage.
Another excellent weapon to upgrade in Black Ops Origins is the MP40 submachine
gun. Its rate of fire is high and it has a double tap feature. It’s also very effective
against zombies and is a good choice for first-person shooters.

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