No doubt you’ve heard the phrase “content is king.” It’s been around for years, and with good reason. Quality content is still one of the best ways to attract customers, increase loyalty, and boost web traffic.
But creating quality content isn’t always easy. It takes time and resources to create great content that will engage your audience and help you achieve your business goals.
In this article, we’ll share five penalty-free strategies to increase your blog traffic without spending a lot of time or money.
1. Introduction
In my view, the very first step one should take before investing any time and money on more ideas is to define what content marketing is.
I explain what it is in detail but with a short taste:
Content marketing is a method that allows a business to attract new customers via blogs and other news mediums.
It is a combination of information and marketing.
It has become a rule of life, articles play an enormously important part in the environment. The word spreads by word of mouth, film, radio, novels, newspapers, billboards, posters, email or the door.
Not directly, but indirectly, the quality article is the most powerful element in branding and advertising.
2. Strategies to Build High Quality Backlinks
Nowadays, backlinks have become a standard citation in search engines, so if you built high-quality sites, you have a good chance of achieving rankings.
Google likes great content, so building backlinks to related articles increases your chances of being ranked by Google.
The problem is that some transitions are illegal and not visible to Google; so you have to be extremely careful. 50.
3. 5 Tips for Achieving a High Social Media Engagement Rate
You’ve probably heard a lot about social media engagement. Some researchers have even found that the social media universe is made up of 4.8 billion “Active Users” with 700 billion posts created in 2016.
It should be little surprise, then, that social media engagement is a major focus of both small and large businesses that run most social media platforms. Understanding ways to build engaging conversations with this user base is key.
But how to drive engagement? According to Hubspot’s research, here are the top ways to attain a constant high-frequency of social engagement:
Limit Self-Selection (Apply to a Circle of Influence)
Understand and use “In-Sight.” Not a feature akin to Google’s proprietary technology but a gargantuan topic to choose a tiny circle of friends whose updates you should be prioritizing. Facebook’s “Explore” feature helps you find and prioritize trees of friends. Google “suggests” a circle for you.
Chose Photos
Post photos and videos — there’s a tip and trick there that’s always proven valuable to me: show more often than you write. Videos usually do best because they possess an excellent conversational tone.
Chang Half the Comments!
Take that old saw that you shouldn’t comment on other people’s posts and apply it to your post…. except reply with a “-1” to someone’s “10” when their comment is condescending or downright abusive.
4. The Importance of Having an Email List
In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits of having your own email list.
Having a list of leads that are actively engaged with you is the best way to grow your business and stay constantly relevant.
It’s not the option to create great content and just expect traffic and sales come up and grab the attention of your audience.
Being able to talk to these people directly is the difference between a good and a great business. If you’re interested in getting more people on your email list, you should definitely have a look at our post about “how to create an email list.
5. The Importance of a List on Your Website
A list is a physical point on your site.
It’s a way for users to navigate your content.
It works great for people who are looking to find an article or contact someone but don’t know exactly where on the site they want to go first.
Think of a website as a virtual road.
A list is a road marker.
Lists are a navigation aid, and they make navigation easier.
Staying on top of lists on your navigation can be tricky, though. If you miss changes, you risk going off route. Mistakes caused by neglecting end-user experience (UX)
With a list, people don’t have to click through several pages of content to find what they want.
Lists make your content easier to find, and so it’s important for you to not forget them.
6. 5 Steps To Qualify For an Adwords Campaign
There are a several ways to handle your traffic.
Another way is just sit and take care of your traffic without much impact on the production side.
But if you want an additional revenue, you are in the need to grow spend some money to reach your goals.
You need have the competent skill set and them the concluded results.
AdWords campaigns are about managing your budget, identifying your goals, and regularly reviewing your performance stats.
When you successfully apply this criteria, you can create an AdWords campaign to generate additional web traffic to your blog or other online projects.
If you need extra help from Scribe, contact us for a sample salary ad.
7. The Benefits of Having a Mailing List
One of the best ways for an online business to grow is to invest in a mailing list. If you don’t have one, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to collect the names of people who are interested in what you have to offer.
The real difference between having a mailing list and not having a mailing list is simple: potential customers.
Having a mailing list helps you connect more like minded people with similar wants and needs, which can lead to a better buyer experience.
Some high profile businesses, including Evergreen Health, Muzibbeans, and Sellsy get over 500 monthly leads from a mailing list.
Chuck Wendig, one of the most successful authors in the world today, built his best-selling novel “Underland” using a “mailing list list” to generate his leads.
But getting a mailing list isn’t free- in fact, you’re more than likely going to pay to get started and get leads from customers.
For example, MailPrompt has a list of over 10 million people and you can expect to pay around $40 per each lead.
If you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for new and improved ways to increase your blog traffic. The thing is, there are a lot of so-called “secrets” out there, and it can be tough to separate the wheat from the chaff.
In this article, I’m going to share five penalty-free strategies that have worked really well for me. These are tactics that you can implement without risking any negative consequences from Google or other search engines.