Home » 7 Tips To Fix Foundation Cracks

7 Tips To Fix Foundation Cracks

by Uneeb Khan
foundation cracks

Foundation cracks can be a major problem for any homeowner. Not only are they unsightly, but they can also lead to serious structural issues if left unchecked. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fix foundation and prevent them from coming back. In this blog post, we’ll share 7 tips to help you get the job done right. So whether you’re dealing with hairline cracks or more serious ones, be sure to follow these tips to strengthen your foundation and keep your home in tip-top shape.

Causes of Cracks

One of the most common causes of foundation cracks is soil settlement. When the soil around your foundation settles, it can put pressure on the foundation walls and cause them to crack. This is often caused by things like rain, drought, or even changes in temperature.

Another common cause of foundation cracks is poor construction. If your foundation wasn’t built properly, it’s more likely to crack under the weight of your home. This can be due to things like using the wrong type of concrete or not properly reinforcing the foundation walls.

There are a few other less common causes of foundation cracks, like tree roots growing into the foundation or shifting ground due to an earthquake. But in most cases, either soil settlement or poor construction is to blame.

How to Inspect for Foundation Cracks

foundation crack repair methods are one of the most common problems with home foundations. While some cracks are cosmetic and do not affect the structural integrity of your home, others can be indicative of a more serious problem. That’s why it’s important to inspect your foundation regularly for cracks, and if you find any, to have them repaired as soon as possible.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to inspecting your foundation

1. Start by doing a visual inspection of the exterior of your foundation. Look for any cracks in the concrete or bricks.

2. If you see any cracks, use a tape measure to determine their width and length.

3. Once you’ve identified all the cracks, make note of their location so you can reference them later when making repairs.

4. Next, head inside your home and check the interior walls for any cracks. Again, use a tape measure to determine the width and length of any cracks you find.

5. If you notice any cracks on the interior or exterior of your foundation that are wider than 1/4 inch, or if you see any that appear to be growing larger, then you should contact a professional repair company for further assessment and repairs.

Different Types of Foundation Cracks and Their Solutions

There are many different types of cracks that can occur in your home. Some are caused by normal wear and tear, while others may be the result of more serious problems. It’s important to be able to identify the different types of cracks so you can determine the best way to fix them.

One of the most common types of cracks is a hairline crack. These cracks are usually not a cause for concern and can be easily repaired with a little caulking. If you see a hairline crack, simply clean out the area around the crack and then apply a bead of caulk. Smooth it out with your finger and then paint over it if desired.

Another common type of foundation crack is a vertical crack. These cracks can range from being very small to several inches wide. Vertical cracks are often caused by settling or expansion and contraction of the materials. They can also be caused by structural problems such as inadequate support for the foundation or poor drainage around the foundation.

Vertical cracks should be inspected by a professional to determine if they are structural or cosmetic in nature. If they are determined to be structural, then repairs will need to be made by a qualified contractor. Cosmetic vertical cracks can often be repaired with caulk or epoxy putty.

Horizontal cracks are usually caused by movement of the soil around the foundation. This type of movement can be caused by changes in moisture content or temperature, or even plant growth near the foundation

Preventing Foundation Cracks

One of the main ways to prevent foundation cracks is to make sure that is properly waterproofed. This can be done by using a waterproofing membrane or sealant on the outside of your foundation. You should also make sure that your gutters and downspouts are clean and in good condition so that they can adequately drain water away from your foundation. In addition, you should ensure that any trees or shrubs near your foundation are trimmed back so that their roots don’t put undue stress on the foundation. Finally, you should have your foundation inspected regularly by a professional to catch any potential problems early on.

When to Call a Professional

If you have cracks in your foundation, it’s important to know when to call a professional. Here are some tips:

-The cracks are more than 1/4 inch wide, or if they are actively leaking water, it’s time to call a professional.

-When the cracks are appearing in multiple places, or if they seem to be getting worse, it’s time to call a professional.

– You can see daylight through the crack, it’s time to call a professional.


Foundation cracks are a common problem, but luckily there are some easy tips to fix them. By following the tips in this article, you can easily repair your foundation and get your home back in tip-top shape. If you have any questions about fixing foundation cracks, be sure to ask a professional for help.

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