Home » 10 Tips to Scale Your Freelance eBook Writing Business

10 Tips to Scale Your Freelance eBook Writing Business

by Team Techvilly
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Writing for money is a great way to earn an income, but it can also be difficult. If you’re looking for tips on how to scale your freelance writing business, then look no further! I’ve put together this list of 10 tips that will help make your life easier as a writer and increase the amount of work that comes in through the door.

Create an Editorial Calendar

Your editorial calendar is a tool that helps you to plan your work and work your plan. It’s also a way for you to stay on top of deadlines, manage your time better and prioritize tasks.

You can use a calendar app or spreadsheet program like Excel or Google Sheets (we recommend Google Sheets). If you’re not familiar with these tools, here are some tips:

  • Create one column per week/month/quarter/year at the beginning of each year. Then enter your clients’ dates in that column so they’re all visible at once when looking at the entire year’s schedule. You can also add deadlines for yourself as well as specific tasks associated with those date for example: “Write hire ebook writers” or “Send proposal Z by A date.”

Become a Master of Documentation

  • As a freelancer, you are writing for yourself first. You want to make sure that your book is clear and easy to understand so that it can be used as a reference guide or self-help tool.
  • The second thing you should do is write in a way that is easy to understand. If someone has no experience with what you’re writing about, they will struggle with understanding the content of your book and therefore will have trouble using it productively (e.g., if they don’t know how much time they have left before their project deadline).
  • This means that when writing for clients, it’s important for them not only pay attention but also provide feedback on how well each section makes sense before moving onto another topic this allows both parties involved in any given conversation between writer/client relationship where everyone benefits from each other’s input!

Get Your Finances Sorted Out

Once you have a serviceable business plan and the right tools, it’s time to get your finances sorted out. You’ll need a bank account, business credit card, insurance policy and license.

If you’re just starting out as an independent freelancer or have not yet established an LLC or corporation (if applicable), it’s best practice to open up a personal savings account for this purpose you don’t want any money going into an account that isn’t yours!

Once all these things are taken care of in terms of paperwork and setting up accounts at banks/credit unions/etc., then we can move onto establishing how much money you’ll make from writing books in 2019 (and beyond).

Track Your Time With A Timer

  • You’re going to have to track your time if you want to scale your business.
  • There are several ways to do this, but the best way is with a timer.
  • Using a timer will help you stay on task and keep track of how long it takes for each task in your freelancing business.

Create a Customer Relationship Management System

  • Create a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)
  • Use the CRM to track customer contact information, payment status, and more.
  • Include all of your clients in one central location so that you can easily manage them as one group. This will make it easier for them to stay connected with you and give them an easy way to get in touch when needed.
  • The benefits of using a CRM are numerous: it keeps track of everything from contracts and payments down through customer data like orders placed or invoices paid.
  • It also allows users access at any time via their computers or mobile devices anywhere they go! If someone needs assistance but isn’t able physically present themselves then having this system would allow them access regardless how far away they may be located geographically speaking.”

Dedicate Devoted Time to Marketing Yourself & Your Business

It’s important to define the problem before starting on a solution. In other words, don’t just jump into setting goals without first defining what you’re trying to achieve and why.

So how do you go about doing this? The first step is by determining your exact goals for the next 6 months or so (or however long it takes). For example: “I want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months”.

The second step is determine where exactly within each goal there would be room for growth next year as well as where there may be some extra funds available in order to get started with something else (like investing more time into marketing).

Block Out Your Schedule

It’s important to block out time to write, market and work on other projects. If you don’t have an efficient way of scheduling these tasks, you will find yourself falling behind. For example, if you’re trying to get back into writing after taking some time off from your eBook business (or any freelance gig).

Automate What You Can

  • Automate what you can.
  • Automation tools are a great way to save time and make more money.
  • They will help scale your business, which is important if you want to grow as a freelancer.


  • Learn how to manage your time.
  • Learn how to market yourself and your business.
  • Learn how to automate what you can, and then make sure that every step of the process is as easy as possible for yourself.
  • Write under contract with an agency or publisher but only if it’s worth it! You don’t want all of your hard work going into creating content that no one will ever read (or pay) because they just got a better offer from another writer who has already done.
  • All of the research on their topic and knows exactly what they need from you. And don’t forget about marketing! If someone sees something great on social media, chances are good there are others out there who have not yet discovered it themselves and those people might be potential customers!

Write under contract.

Writing under contract is one of the best ways to make money from your writing. It’s not just about getting paid, but also about getting exposure for yourself and your work.

There are several different types of contracts you can write:

  • A company will pay you to write an eBook or guide on their site or in a magazine, then promote it as part of their marketing strategy (this is called affiliate marketing). You may even get a cut from sales made through the link that leads back to your website!
  • A publisher will pay you upfront and let you keep 100% of the royalties when they sell copies of your book(s), but they usually take more control over how those books are marketed than if they were published by an independent author like me (which I love).
  • Another way writers can benefit from this method is by writing articles based on existing research projects funded by government agencies such as NASA or NSF (National Science Foundation). These researchers often need help finding experts who can provide expert opinions on certain topics related directly back into scientific reports; thus allowing them access into developing new technology solutions within these fields – which means lots more money coming into pockets soon enough!

Learn time management skills.

Time management skills are one of the most important things you can learn as a freelancer. That’s because time is money and all that jazz.

  • Learn to say no: As much as we love our clients, sometimes they’re just not worth it. If you’ve been working with a particular client for too long, it might be time to call it quits and move onto other projects or opportunities.
  • Learn to delegate: You don’t have to do everything yourself! For example, if your article needs editing but doesn’t require any other kind of writing help (like if it’s already been edited by another writer), then consider outsourcing this task so that someone else can focus on their own work instead of yours (and vice versa). This will save both parties time in the long run because there won’t be any wasted effort trying
  • or failing to get something done when there’s no need anyway!

Surround yourself with other writers.

When you’re writing, it’s easy to get into a rut. You work from your home office or other location that allows you the freedom to focus on your writing. But what if there was a way for you to share ideas and resources with other writers?

You can do this by creating an online community of freelance eBook authors who are working at similar levels in their careers. This will help you learn from each other and grow as an entrepreneur together.

It also gives you access to skillsets that may not be available in any other way such as marketing strategies or how-to articles on different topics related directly back towards business planning (for example, “How To Get Clients With Your Freelance Writing Business).


In conclusion, it is important to remember that there is no perfect formula for success in any business. The most important thing you can do is start small and build your skills over time. This will help you avoid common mistakes and ensure that your business continues to grow organically instead of becoming stagnant due to lack of growth.

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